Do you own a car with 4 Wheel Drive or AWD but not necessarily want to go off road? We cater for everything from all wheel drive estates to vans and beyond.
Our Volunteers keep essential services to Leicestershire and Rutland moving in times of Major Incidents and Adverse weather. We provide a network of volunteers, which include members with well equipped 4 wheel drive vehicles, that are able to respond to situations likely to cause danger to the general public. Becoming an official member of a 4×4 Response charity can be a sometimes challenging but rewarding experience.
Leicestershire and Rutland 4×4 Response have two levels of membership.
Once initial checks have been completed and new members have attended an online meet and greet with two of the management team only then will a payment be asked for.
Members with capable vehicles willing to assist during times of inclement weather. Leicestershire and Rutland provide all responders with a long sleeve reflective blouson which complies with the UK’s safety requirements as well as an embroidered polo T-shirt with responders name and LE number. There is an initial joining fee of £35 for the first year, followed by £20 per year thereafter, details about how to pay are covered in the application form.
Support is for family members of responders, who do not have a 4×4 or are not confident of their 4×4 driving skills in adverse conditions. Generally would only be called to support a long term incident or where 4×4 capability/skills not needed or to help with incident management (e.g. controller). Support members will be issued with an LE number and a light weight T-shirt and long sleeve reflective blouson, however, these will not be embroidered with the members name or LE number just the groups logo. There is an initial joining fee of £20 for the first year, followed by £10 per year thereafter, details about how to pay are covered in the application form.
Please provide details of any vehicles that will be used or 4X4 activities. During the initial stage of your application you will only be asked your insurance providers name. Once accepted you will be asked to provide a copy of your insurance certificate as proof.
All members MUST make sure that your vehicle insurance provides the necessary cover for use of your
vehicle for call-out duties; insurers often call this ‘Community Responder’ cover. This is not usually included as
standard with any insurance package, meaning you will need to notify your insurance provider that you intend to use
your vehicle for such purposes; some insurance providers will provide this cover with no additional charge.
If you are unsure about whether your insurance provider covers these aspects, or you would like information about
providers who will offer appropriate cover, please contact us.
By completing this form, you confirm that you have/will inform your vehicle insurance provider that you are a
member of the Leicestershire & Rutland 4×4 Response group and intend to use your vehicle for call-out duties. In
addition, you also confirm that your vehicle insurance provides the necessary cover for use of your vehicle in
completing said call-out duties.
Leicestershire and Rutland provide all responders with a long sleeve reflective blouson which complies with the UK’s safety requirements as well as an embroidered polo T-shirt with responders name and LE number.
Support members will be issued with an LE number and a light weight T-shirt and high vis vest however these will not be embroidered with the members name or LE number just the groups logo.
At L&R4x4R we are currently using the BroadNet Radio System as our main form of communication.
BroadNet is an all in one Solution for international Push to Talk communications, Command & Control Dispatch System, Incident Logging, Event Management and User Tracking
BroadNet PTT (Push To Talk) is a communications platform that operates in a similar way to traditional two way radios, but instead of relying on the limited range and bandwidth of conventional radio, we utilise a full range of modern communication networks to ensure you are always in range of the person you wish to contact.
The handsets can communicate with a single user or thousands at the same time via voice, text, or job requests on your own private and secure channels, through the power of 3G, 4G and Wifi connections.
L&R have an ongoing deal with Broadnet in which they offer us handsets at a reduced cost. If any responder is interested in purchasing a handset through L&R this can be discussed upon successful application.
Personal protective equipment will be ordered by the clothing manager upon payment and will be issued as soon as it is collected from the manufacturer.
Once your application is approved you will be contacted for details of a driving assessment and issued the relevant welcome/induction pack. You will also receive stickers for your vehicle, ID card and 4×4 Response uniform.
We also stock numerous items of clothing which can be purchased through the clothing manager and personalised by responders. A full stock list with prices can be provided upon request.
Application for membership of Leicestershire & Rutland 4×4 Response (hereafter known as Leics and Rut 4×4 or L&R4XR). By continuing this application I understand that my application will be vetted and I may be required to attend an interview. I agree to being subjected to a Disclosure and Barring Service(DBS) check if requested. I agree to this information being held for the use of Leics & Rut 4×4 Response and agree it may be shared with other members of the group. I understand that this information may be passed to relevant local authorities and Emergency Services.
If accepted as a member, I agree to abide by all “Leics & Rut 4×4 Response, local rules and guidelines and Code of Practice. Leics & Rut 4×4 Response Group CIO will only ever use the information provided in this form to assist with the operational running of the charity, we will never pass this information to a third party without your prior consent. For more information please refer to our Data Protection Policy. I give permission for Leics & Rut Response Group CIO to store and process the information given in accordance with the L&r4X4R Data Protection Policy
Application wills be checked on the 1st of every month. Please do not worry if it takes us a little while to get in touch with you.
Leicestershire and Rutland have two levels of membership currently.
Once initial checks have been completed and new members have attended an online meet and greet with two of the management team only then will a payment be asked for. L&R4X4 have three ways a new member can pay the required joining fee
1. PayPal to
2. Cheque, made payable to Leicestershire & Rutland 4×4 Response and post to Simon Dale, 2 Palmer Avenue, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 5NH.
3. Bank Transfer Sort Code: 20-52-69 Account Number: 23550214