We prioritise keeping your data safe, and explain in our privacy policy


The Leicestershire and Rutland 4×4 Response Group (The Group) will collect personal information only for the purpose of the group’s activities which will include my contact details and photograph.

Where necessary for the assurance of my safety and that of the people for whom the group provides assistance, The Group may collect and hold information relating to medical conditions that would affect my performance of the duties for which I volunteer.

The information that I provide will only be accessible by those who have a need to know it and will be protected by an appropriate level of security.

The Group shall not, without my express permission, share my personal details with any other party, group or organisation unless this is to protect my safety. When I volunteer to support another organisation/individual I agree to the disclosure of personal information to the extent that is necessary for that support.

When I leave The Group my personal information will be removed from current records and archived for a period of 1 year, after which the information will be destroyed in accordance with the ICO Guidance.

Any personal information relating to medical conditions will be removed immediately. I also undertake to remove from my own records any data/information relating to the group that may have been shared with me either on paper, electronically or via the website.


The Group and all its members shall only collect personal information essential to the provision of the support for which it has agreed to provide. This may include name, address, telephone number and potentially medical information.

The Group shall not share information collected unless you give your consent or it is in your vital interest to do so in order to protect your life or safety.

The Group follows the Data Protection & Sharing – Guidance for Emergency Planners and Responders provided by the Government, a copy of which can be found here.

The Group will not retain your information for any longer than it is needed to provide support to you and will destroy and information held in accordance with the ICO Guidance.

The Group will provide details of all the information held about you on receipt of a written request from you in accordance with the requirements of prevailing data protection law.

© Leicestershire & Rutland 4×4 Response 2025 – Registered Charity Number: 1138754



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